I just wanted to write a little post to say thanks to all the tweeps who have ever participated in a #Clay5. This little thing wouldn't be anything without enthusiastic people who enjoy discussing and showing their favourite pieces of pop culture. It started as a whim really. Doing Top 5 lists with the guys in the band has been a big thing over the years, similar to those scenes in High Fidelity. I just wanted to take that sense of fun and open it up to anyone who wished to be a part of it.
Thanks also to the tweeps who answer queries on my behalf when faced with a 'What's this #Clay5?' tweet. It's very cool to see how different people describe it.
I don't expect everybody out there to join in all the time. Sometimes you miss it or you aren't particularly interested or knowledgeable in the #Clay5 that day. Everybody is different and everybody likes different things and this is why I'm so fascinated by it all.
So, thanks. It's fun!
It was an awesome idea Claybo and I love being a part of it!